dr. Zoltán István Sohajda Head of Center
Same-day Ophthalmology Center, Head of Center
+36 52 511 777 / 1515, 1193
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Central building, floor 6, 6038, 6041, 6043
Judit Maginé Kórizs head nurse
Same-day Ophthalmology Center, head nurse
+36 52 511 777 / 1188, 1193
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Central building, floor 6, 6033, 6041, 6043 (Head nurse’s room)
Katalin Albert nurse (advanced)
Tünde Árva adult nurse
Katalin Baloghné Balla assistant
+36 52 511 777 / 1195
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Central building, floor 6, 6037 (outpatient clinic)
Andrea Baranyai practicing nurse
+36 52 511 777 / 1872
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Central building, floor 6, 6076 (Patient admission)
Dr. Tiborné Bedő graduate nurse
Mariann Biró medical clerk

4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Hospital Hygiene Department building, ground floor (BIK Communication Center)
dr. Bokorné dr. Magdolna Kiss ophthalmologist
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Central building, floor 6, 6029, 6030, 6034, 6035, 6041, 6043 (Outpatient clinic, Building “A”, floor 2, 2019)
Emöke Buzsikné Tolvaj nurse (advanced)

Anna Cserey care assistant

+36 52 511 777 / 1193
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Central building, floor 6, 6043 (operating room)
dr. Tamás Deák ophthalmologist
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Central building, floor 6, 6029, 6030, 6034, 6035, 6037, 6041, 6043 (Outpatient clinic, Building “A”, floor 2, 2019)
Tímea Dobos general nurse
+36 52 513 613 / 622
4026 Debrecen, Bethlen utca 11-17.
Outpatient Care Center (old building A of Bethlen clinic), floor 2, 2037
Mária Erdeiné Vónya assistant

+36 52 513 613 / 679, 219, 680
4026 Debrecen, Bethlen utca 11-17.
Outpatient Care Center (old building A of Bethlen clinic), floor 2, 2021, 2024, 2027 (Doctor’s room)
Nóra Fábiánné Párducz medical clerk