Andrea Hováth administrator
Study Administration and Student Advisory Office, commissioned head of department
+36 42 404 411 / 78111
4028 Debrecen Kassai út 26
School of Public Health building, ground floor, 4
Béláné András managing expert
+36 42 404 411 / 78142
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 005
Andrea Erzsébet Debreczeni managing expert (education organizer)

4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
School of Public Health building, ground floor
Dr. Havasiné Emőke Tünde Kósa managing expert
+36 42 404 411 / 78115
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 006
+36 42 408 656
Angéla Mátyásiné Pócsik managing expert

+36 42 404 411 / 78115
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 4
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 6
Regina Katalin Szabó managing expert
+36 52 512 900 / 77417
4028 Debrecen Kassai út 26
School of Public Health building, ground floor (study department)
Anna Edit Szász managing expert
+36 52 512 765 / 77414
4028 Debrecen Kassai út 26
School of Public Health building, ground floor, 15
+36 52 460 195 / 77403
Enikő Szitásné Léka managing expert

+36 42 404 411 / 78112
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 4
Andrea Toldiné Bélteki managing expert

+36 42 404 411 / 78155
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, floor 1, 105
+36 42 408 656
Judit Varga managing expert

+36 42 404 411 / 78110
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 007
+36 42 408 656
Evelin Andrea Vámos managing expert