Prof. Dr. István Szűcs professor
Institute of Economics, director of institute
+36 52 508 444 / 86912
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 142.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Centre for Landscape and Rural Development, Building “Q”, ground floor, 29
Ibolya Tóthné Rajtik managing expert
+36 52 526 911 / 86911
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 142.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Centre for Landscape and Rural Development, Building “Q”, ground floor, 28
Prof. Dr. László Losonczi professor emeritus

+36 52 508 444 / 86947
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Economics and Business, Centre for Landscape and Rural Development, Building “Q”, ground floor, 15