dr. Árpád Vágó specialist
Division of Central Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit, chief physician of the department
Brigitta Kecskeméti specialist nurse

Division of Central Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit, head nurse of department
Erzsébet Áchimné Balogh special assistant

Division of Central Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit, assistant department head
Katalin Anna Balogh special assistant
Balogh Mónika mentőápoló
Dr Francis Ben-Kane specialist
Mónika Erzsébet Bodnárné Bárczi special assistant
Zoltánné Boruzs specialist nurse
Dóra Csátré-Erdei practicing anaesthesiological assistant
Gabriella Duró special assistant
Anita Gyányi specialist nurse
Gabriella Hajdu specialist nurse
Éva Horváth specialist nurse
dr. Györgyi Horváth specialist