Prof. Dr. Béla Róbert Kovács professor
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, deputy general dean
Institute of Food Science, head of institute
+36 52 418 624 / 88508, 88130
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 1, 101 (Food science and Quality Assurance Group)
+36 52 417 572 / 88130
Loránd Alexa lecturer
+36 52 508 444 / 88167
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 2, 210
Dr. Éva Bacskainé Bódi assistant lecturer

+36 52 508 444 / 88076
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, ground floor (laboratory)
Nikolett Baráth PhD student

+36 52 508 444 / 88170
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Instruments Centre, Building “G”, floor 2, 211
Dr. Anikó Bérczesné Szojka assistant lecturer

+36 52 508 444 / 88011
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Main building “B”, Educational Building, floor 1, 101
+36 52 417 572
Dr. Nikolett Czipa associate professor

+36 52 508 444 / 88505, 88506
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 2, 210
+36 52 417 572
Dr. János Elek lecturer

+36 52 508 444 / 88130
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 2, 212
Andrea Guj Péterné Juhász PhD student

+36 52 508 444 / 88170
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 2, 211
Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Mónika Karaffa professor

+36 52 508 444 / 88067
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Main building “B”, Educational Building, floor 1, 102
+36 52 417 572
Dr. Ludman-Mihály Kata research fellow
+36 52 508 444 / 88598
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Main building “B”, Educational Building, floor 1, 101
Máté Bence Nagy PhD student

+36 52 508 444 / 88506
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 2, 210
Dr. Károly Pál associate professor

+36 52 508 444 / 88379
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Main building “B”, Educational Building, floor 1, 9
Dr. Ferenc Árpád Peles associate professor
+36 52 508 444 / 88470
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Main building “B”, Educational Building, floor 2, 206
+36 52 413 385
Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh assistant research fellow
4032 Debrecen Böszörményi út 138
Faculty of Economics and Business, Building “D” , floor 2, 2 (V5)
Tünde Simon administrator

+36 52 508 444 / 88130
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Food sciences educational building, Building “G”, floor 1, 102
+36 52 417 572