Prof. Dr. György Paragh professor
Non-independent Division of Metabolism, commissioned rectorial general counselor
dr. Zoltán Balogh associate professor
dr. Ágnes Diószegi assistant lecturer
Dr. Péter Fülöp associate professor
dr. Krisztina Gaál lecturer
Zsolt Ákos Karányi assistant research fellow
+36 52 411 600 / 55956
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Department of Internal Medicine, Building A
dr. Éva Katona associate professor
dr. Miklós Káplár associate professor
Dr. Beáta Kovács assistant lecturer
dr. Tamás Köbling master instructor

dr. Szabolcs Lengyel lecturer
Dr. Hajnalka Lőrincz research fellow

+36 52 255 600 / 54887, 55022
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Department of Internal Medicine, Building A
Prof. Dr. Dénes Páll professor
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, head of department
Coordination Center for Drug and Food Development, director
+36 52 255 189 / 55750
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Clinical Center Managing Building, ground floor, 029
dr. Ferenc Sztanek lecturer

dr. Noémi Zsíros assistant lecturer