Dr. habil Patrícia Becsky-Nagy associate professor
Non-independent Department of Finance, commissioned head of department
+36 52 512 900 / 88567
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Seed house , floor 1, 108
Bayaraa Batchimeg PhD student

4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Building “F”, floor 2, 208
Chetan S. Dudhe PhD student

4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Building “F”, floor 2, 204
Dr. Balázs Fazekas lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 88027
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Seed house , floor 1, 104
dr. habil Vilmos Lakatos associate professor
+36 52 512 900 / 68021
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Seed house , floor 1, 119/B.
Tünde Orsolya Nagy lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 88563
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Seed house , floor 1, 115