dr. Dezső Tóth associate professor
Department of Surgery, director of institute
dr. Balázs Áron Nemes associate professor
Division of Organ Transplantation, head of department
+36 52 411 717 / 54312
4032 Debrecen Móricz Zsigmond körút 22
Auguszta building II, ground floor, C018
dr. László Bene research fellow
+36 52 411 717 / 54106
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 4, 413
+36 52 255 539 / 56356
Prof. Dr. László Damjanovich professor
+36 52 411 717 / 54356
4032 Debrecen Móricz Zsigmond körút 22
Auguszta building II, ground floor, C021
+36 52 255 356 / 56356
dr. Tamás Ákos Dinya lecturer
Dr. Attila Enyedi lecturer
dr. Roland Fedor lecturer
dr. Ferenc Győry lecturer
dr. Zsolt Kanyári lecturer
dr. Dávid Ágoston Kovács lecturer
dr. Csaba Gábor Kósa lecturer
dr. László Orosz lecturer
dr. János Pósán master instructor
Dr. Zsolt Szentkereszty associate professor
dr. István Takács associate professor