
The governing body of the Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education (CARPE) met in Porto. The University of Debrecen was represented at the event by László Csernoch, Vice-Rector for Research and Zsolt Varga, Scientific Director.

The Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen (DE MK) also participated in a prestigious international conference of renowned architects and architecture students in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During the four-day event, 15 students from DE MK created an installation related to the theme of the event.

This year's Gerontology Days 2024 International Scientific Conference, which took place between 10-11 October 2024 at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Health Sciences campus in Nyíregyháza, was concluded with outstanding professional interest. The two-day event aimed to raise awareness of the latest research innovations and best practices related to the quality of life, health and social inclusion of older people. The conference brought together experts, researchers, health and social care professionals and policy makers to discuss current challenges and solutions for the care of older people.

The necessity of biodiversity monitoring, modern data collection methods, the socio-economic use of information obtained through monitoring, the launch of the environmental monitoring system of the University of Debrecen and the current phases of the work were also discussed at the 1st Biodiversity Conference.

The University of Debrecen is the only Hungarian institution of higher education that has become a member of a partner university network of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), called University Network for Research Collaboration. This year's presidential forum and conference of this network, which brought together 15 institutions from 11 countries worldwide with the aim to promote sustainable development globally, was held in Chongqing, where Vice Rector Károly Pető officially received a membership plaque.

Following a line of previous successful events of this kind, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management have jointly hosted an Orientation Day for first-year international undergraduate, master's and PhD students. The objective of Wednesday's event was to present the cultural, leisure and social opportunities available at the university, at the faculties and in the city of Debrecen, as well as to provide useful information to help young foreigners integrate into our university community.

Certificates for their top-quality efforts in the field of studying Chinese language and culture have been awarded to the students of the University of Debrecen (UD) and Debrecen’s Vocational Training Centre (Debreceni Szakképzési Centrum - DSZC) by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Hungary. His Excellency Gong Tao gave a reception to the honored students and their teachers at his residence in Budapest on Saturday.


Application for the talent management program is open!

The formal and professional verification of achievements has been completed. Here you can find the achievements list of our talented foreign students:  teljesitmenykredit_teteles_angol_-_honlapra.pdf Congratulations on the excellent achievements of the semester!

Let us present the University of Debrecen Honours College (in short: TalentUD) to you. The program aims to unfold the hidden potential of talented students. Talent management takes place primarily at the departments and institutes; it is based on the research work of students, under the direction of academic supervisors.